Rede Africa and the First World War

Em Janeiro de 2013 foi criada a rede internacional Africa and the First World War. Passado um ano, esta jovem e dinâmica rede de estudos sobre a Primeira Guerra Mundial em África comemora o seu aniversário com um número cada vez maior de mêmbros, continuando a incentivar a investigação, a colaboração e a troca de ideias e informações, de forma interdisciplinar, entre os mesmos.
Esta rede, organizada pelo Instituto de História Contemporânea, e que evoca a Primeira Guerra Mundial em África, apela à entrada de novos membros.
«The International Network for the Study of the Great War in Africa was established in January 2013 and encourages collaborative research and interdisciplinary exchange amongst its members.In 1914 when the First World War started, all major European powers, with the exception of the Habsburg Empire, ruled over territories outside Europe.

Although most of the clashes occurred on European soil, the involvement of the African continent played an essential role within the Great War, which was a fundamental expression of the globalisation of the conflict: for over four years Africa provided human and material resources on an unprecedented scale to the Western Front.

Based at the Instituto de História Contemporânea at NOVA University of Lisbon the Network aims to promote studies related to the African front of the First World War.

It privileges the analysis of topics such as:

(i) the dispute of empires;

(ii) the mobilisation and the strategy of the European powers toward war in Africa;

(iii) the protection, preservation and maintenance of the integrity of colonial empires;

(iv) race and empire;

(v) social and cultural history of soldiers in colonial armies;

(vi) war and religion in Africa;

(vii) war and peace in Africa.

It's members include: 

Santanu Das (King’s College – University of London)

Richard Fogarty (University at Albany – SUNY)

Michelle Moyd (Indiana University – Bloomington)

Michael Neiberg (US Army War College)

Melvin E. Page, East Tennessee State University

Ana Paula Pires (IHC and FCSH-UNL)

Remy Porte (Service Historique de la Défense)

Pierre Purseigle (Yale University)

Maria Fernanda Rollo (IHC and FCSH-UNL)

Anne Samson (Great War in East Africa Association)

The Network holds an annual conference in July. An international forum for dialogue among the Great War in Africa scholars community, keeping them updated on current research topics. Membership is free.

To join the Network, contact: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar." target="_blank">»
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