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Conferência Internacional Perspectives on the 'Great' War - Anuncio e Call for Papers

Realizar-se-á a 1 de Abril de 2014 a Conferência Internacional Perspectives on the «Great» War. O Call for Papers encontra-se aberto.
Referem os seus organizadores:

August 1.- 4. 2014

An interdisciplinary conference will be hosted at Queen Mary, University of London to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War.

The parties presently involved are the School of Languages Linguistics and Film (QMUL); the School of History (QMUL); the Leo Baeck Institute (London); the Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations (QMUL); and the German Department (UCL).

Keynote speakers will include:

- Professor Christopher Clark (Cambridge)
- Professor Jonathan Steinberg (Pennsylvania)
- Professor Samuel Williamson (Sewanee History Project)

It is intended that the conference be truly international and interdisciplinary.

Subject sections will include political, military and social history; historiography; colonialism; discourse analysis and cultural history.
We welcome all suggestions for the conference as well as offers to chair sections and round-table discussions.

Please address all initial enquiries to:

Professor Felicity Rash Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. or Dr Falco Pfalzgraf Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.

- Dr Falco Pfalzgraf

Acting Deputy Director Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations School of Languages, Linguistics and Film Queen Mary, University of London Arts Building, Mile End Road LONDON E1 4NS
Tel. (+44) 020 7882 8321 Fax. (+44) 020 8980 5400

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