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World History Institute for Teachers e a Primeira Guerra Mundial

O World History for Teachers, sediado em Gettysburg College, Pensilvania, convida para o ciclo de conferências "Globalizing the Great War: Conflict, Memory, Gender & Empire in the Era of the First World War". O evento semanal terá como oradores convidados Michael Adas (Rutgers University) e Michael Neiberg (US Army War College).
O Verão de 2014 marca o aniversário do início da Primeira Guerra Mundial. E este ano marcar-se-ão os seus 100 anos. É o Centenário da Grande Guerra. Para evocar esta ocasião o World History Institute, sediado no Gettysburg College (Pensilvânia, EUA), prepara um programa de uma semana dedicado ao tema «Globalizing the Great War».
A organização refere:
«This summer marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War. To mark the occasion the World History Institute at Gettysburg College will hold a week-long program on "Globalizing the Great War." More information including a tentative schedule, registration forms, and some photos from past institutes can be found on our website:  
Registration fees include all workshops and sessions, a Gettysburg battlefield field tour and a visit to the Army War College in Carlisle, Pa., single housing in a campus dorm with private bath, 5 breakfasts, 5 lunches, and 4 dinners. The institute will enhance your understanding of both content and pedagogical methods, provide stimulating conversation, useful information, access to resources, and the opportunity to work on group or individual projects. And you will earn 4.5 continuing education units for the week, or 45 Act 48 Credits for PA teachers!
Early-Bird Registration by 2/28: $900 Regular Registration through 5/31: $975
Contact information: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. 717-337-6565»

