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Call for Papers «The legacy of World War I»

Mais um Call for Papers do qual fazemos eco, relacionado com a Primeira Guerra Mundial, e que ocorrerá no Chestnut Hill College, em Filadélfia, nos Estados Unidos da América.
Data limite: 1 de Abril de 2014
Contacto: William Walker Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.

Referem os organizadores:
«The History and Political Science Department at Chestnut Hill College will host an interdisciplinary conference on "The Legacy of World War I," November 14-15, 2014. Keynote speakers will be Jay Winter (Yale University) and Laura Lee Downs (European University Institute, Florence, Italy). Proposals for papers or panels are invited on any issue related to "The Legacy of World War I." The Great War was a cataclysmic event with consequences for the world up to our own day. Papers may relate to the immediate or long-term ramifications of the war - - political, diplomatic, military, social, economic, technological, intellectual, cultural, etc.
Proposals should be about 250-300 words and be accompanied by a CV. Proposals from advanced graduate students will be considered. Papers will be allowed 20-25 minutes for presentation.
We also seek individuals who are interested in serving as a Chair of a session. Presenters of papers and chairs of sessions are required to register for the conference.
In 2003 Chestnut Hill College inaugurated the "Legacy Conferences"; previous conferences have addressed the "Kennedy Legacy" (2003), "The Legacy of the Second World War" (2005), the "Legacy of 1968" (2008), and "The Legacy of the Civil War" (2011).»

